Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Still No Trench Photos

I have no real excuse for why you aren't looking at the pictures I took this past weekend from Trench. I had planned to download them Sunday night but after spending half the day on the road, I was in the mood to just relax. Jeff and I drove home on the back roads which was just wonderful. There was constantly a new town or new farm to see. We drove through towns with less than 200 people, spotted a quail on the side of the road, and at our friends suggestion stopped and picked up a fantastic pie (thanks for the suggestion Cathy! Mmmmm tasty). It was so much better than taking the interstate. The only problem was that it added another hour onto our drive. So when we got home we sat on the porch and relaxed until dark, then headed inside to numb our brains with TV. Plus, the cat wouldn't have let me sit at the computer for more than five minutes without demanding to be petted and attended to. She might have missed us a little. So I figured I'd download them and post them here and to Facebook on Monday night.

After dinner last night Jeff and I ended up at the grocery store to pick up enough fresh produce to get me through the week. I've been buying produce once or twice a week lately to up my fruit and vegetable intake. I eat a good amount of them but I want to make sure that produce is my go-to snack. And I tend to grab whatever is easy and available as a snack, which too often tends to be junk food. So last night, after carting home tons of produce, I spent a good chunk of the evening cutting and cleaning and prepping all my fruits and veggies. My fridge is practically overflowing with tupperware containers. This morning I made myself a quick salad in less than 5 minutes since all my ingredients were ready to go. But of course that ate up part of the evening and by the time it was done I didn't bother to track down the cord for the camera. So I set my sights on tonight.

And that won't happen either. I can flat out tell you that since I'll be out of town this evening, having dinner with a friend and then attending an Irish Jam. I'm leaving straight from work for the 35 minute drive up north and won't be heading home until after 11. Should be a long day. I hope I can stay awake for it. So I'll plan for Wednesday, either before or after knitting. I figure it doesn't take more than a minute or two to download. So I have no idea why it hasn't gotten done. But it hasn't. So you'll have to wait another day.

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