Saturday, September 6, 2008


I went out walking this afternoon in a little park down by the Des Moines Art Center. A friend and I wandered through the deer trails in the woods and then I sat up in the rose garden and watched the birds. And I saw a lot of art. Now the Art Center wasn't open but that doesn't mean the art is just in the building. 

Like this interesting wood sculpture that someone left deep in the woods. 

Or this more organic mud and paper sculpture. (really a hornet's nest) 

When I got to the Rose Garden I found some beautiful roses. 

And an Andy Goldsworthy sculpture. This one is what most people would consider art. This is actually a very interesting piece. There are two others just like it. One in Scotland, one in California, and this one. There are actually three hollowed out areas surrounding the cairn. But there were a ton of little children playing on them so I snuck what pictures I could. 

Then I found these more modern sculptures on the way out. Really just graffiti but at least intelligent graffiti. 

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