Sunday, January 31, 2010


As if my 2010 hasn't been filled with enough excitement, our older car started giving us fits on Thursday. Over the last two years we have plugged a ton of money into the car and we were starting to see diminishing returns. The car is just not getting any younger. So when it acted up on Thursday we decided that we weren't going to bother to fix it. It was time to look into a new car.

On Thursday night we settled down with and found a couple dealerships that had vehicles we liked. We've been wanting a hatchback and there were a couple newer ones that were available. So Friday afternoon, Jeff went out test-driving. He found a couple he liked but nothing amazing. After breakfast on Saturday he dropped me at home and again went out looking. This time I had given him my permission that if he found something to put in an offer.

About three or so, he texted me to say that he had found a Nissan Versa that was perfect. He loved the feel, he loved the driving, and he flat out loved the car. Low miles, newish vehicle, and a price within our budget. I told him to go ahead. So last night, in a flurry of activity, we cleaned out the old car, drove it down to the dealership, and picked up our new car. All within two hours. I didn't ride in the car (or even see it) until after I had signed the papers and collected the keys, it happened so fast. And I'll have to admit, Jeff did well. It's sitting in the driveway right now and I keep looking at it, wondering whose car it is. It's the exact right car for us. As much as this was not the time for us to be buying a new car, it worked out well enough. Now I'm starting to look forward to getting a chance to drive it myself. We'll see if I get the go ahead at my Dr. appointment on Monday.


Salt said...

I've been looking at a Nissan for my next car, car isn't getting any younger, either.

Cat B said...

Yours is definitely not getting younger. I think yours is older than ours. The Nissan Versa is pretty nice. And plenty of room for cargo and car seats. :-)