Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Joys and Pains of Pet Ownership

Just a warning, this is not a particularly pleasant topic and I apologize if I gross anyone out. If you are anywhere squeamish about body functions, you'll want to skip this one. But it's what's on my mind.

I mentioned two days ago that my kitty was being holed up in the downstairs bathroom for some testing. The cute adorable little bugger wouldn't cooperate by providing the urine sample we needed. She hates the litter they need to use and was simply not willing to cooperate. After 14 hours of keeping her trapped in the bathroom, Jeff released her into the rest of the house and we gave up on getting anything from her. I don't blame him one bit. If I didn't sleep with ear plugs, I wouldn't have been able to handle the constant mewing and pleading from her. Plus the pain and fear that were evident on her face. It was really awful.

So yesterday he took her to the vet's office so they could try to get the sample. The vet figured she would be back by that evening. Boy, were they wrong! Well over 24 hours later and my little kitty is not yet home, still holding out. I knew she could be stubborn but I had no idea that it would be this long. I know that all of this is for her own good, but it still completely rips me up inside. I'm a big believer in not causing suffering to anyone, animal or human, and this test just seems like torture to me. I can't help but imagine her at the vets, scared and in pain from holding out so long. And I can't explain to her why we need to do the test.

I will tell you right off the bat that we have the greatest cat in the world. She is loving and quiet and always excited to see us. She comes to meet us when we come home from anywhere. She loves attention but is not pushy about getting it. She is never vindictive. She sleeps at our feet every night. We adore her. That's why this is so hard for me. I'm just hoping she's home before the vet closes tonight. I don't want to leave her there again overnight. And although a urinalysis is scheduled for every year, I don't think I can bear doing this to her again next year. Call me a bad pet owner, but this is just a little too hard.

Sorry if this was TMI for anyone, but it's been on my brain all day.


Keith said...

Can they not catheterize her? They've done that with our cat Ted a couple of times. That's not pleasant either, but it's relatively quick. Especially when the alternative is being locked up in a clinic for a couple of days.

Cat B said...

They didn't offer to catheterize her, so after 36 hours of her being at the vet, we just brought her home. No sample for them. She was much happier and so are we. It's not like she is ill and NEEDs to give a sample. It's just preventative. That is a better alternative though.