Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Unscientific Study

There is nothing scientific about a study I'm conducting. I don't use the scientific method, track my results, or even worry about variables. I'm just trying something to see what the results are.

Two weeks ago I started a news hiatus. I went from reading six or seven different news sources a day to not looking at the news at all. I avoid my news based bookmarks, change the TV channel if the news comes on, and have even avoided watching Jon Stewart all in the name of psychology. And I've discovered a startling revelation. Okay not really startling, but a revelation.

Since I've stopped reading the news, I'm in a much better mood. Even with my not feeling great, I've been much happier. I'm much more relaxed and my anxiety has dropped off dramatically. (heck I'm sleeping without ear plugs) I'm reading a lot more, writing a lot more, and am feeling much more creative in general. I've been scanning art blogs and doing some of my own drawing. I've been starting new short stories and having ideas just randomly pop to mind. I'm in a strangely good place.

I'm not sure how much of this is news related. My odd near death (or at least what felt like near death) experience is certainly playing a part. I'm sure a lot of the creativity is due to my refocusing on writing and drawing with the feeling that time is short. My goal is to have a published work by the time Jeff is out of school. But there are other factors as well. I haven't played WoW at all during these two weeks either, the longest break I've ever taken. Jeff has been very focused on school which keeps the TV in the house off and the WoW playing to a minimum. Even his WoW playing has dropped off dramatically. Not playing gives me tons of time and I'm suddenly interested in everything.

But since this isn't scientific, I have no idea which of these is contributing to my good mood. Eventually I may try to add one in at a time and see what helps or hinders. I may eventually go back to taking time and life for granted. But for right now I'm enjoying the feeling. I'm enjoying my more relaxed feeling. And I'll ride this as long as I can. Not scientific at all, but I'd call the experiment as success.


Salt said...

If I had to guess, and you didn't really solicit guesses, I'd suppose it's the time that's been freed up. Reading news (even at the pace you read) takes time. Time that could be spent doing something else, you enjoy more (insinuating that reading the news is not enjoyable).

I would like to take a second to insist that WoW is as worthless a hobby as reading. You start with nothing, and get nothing but entertainment and experience from it. It's slightly better than TV, but only just.

Cat B said...

Thanks Lon.

Oh I'll always take guesses, and I would assume you are probably right. I actually didn't even think of that. I assumed it was because the news tends to be negative and that was bringing me down. But I like the added time. :-)

I'm hoping that is sarcasm since I would call neither WoW nor reading worthless hobbies. And I'd have to question your sanity since you're a WoW player too.