Thursday, September 24, 2009

Least I Could Do

A while ago, I wrote a post about the comic Looking for Group by Ryan Sohmer and Lar DeSouza which a friend of mine introduced me to. He had lent me the first book and I devoured it. Then I went to the website and read the rest of the backstory. I loved the strip. I was bit less interested in the duo's daily strip Least I Could Do.

I would start the backstory and read a couple weeks before giving up. It's not that the strip wasn't funny. It's not that I was offended by the content. It was just that other webcomics kept getting in the way. Finally early last week I decided to sit down and read my way through the backstory. I never follow a webcomic until I have read all the archives. Considering the Least I Could Do started in 2003, I had an uphill battle ahead of me. What I didn't realize is that the more I got to know the characters the harder it was to stop reading. I read the entire 6 years of comics in four days. And I enjoyed every minute of it.

Least I Could Do is the brainchild of Ryan Sohmer. The strip has had three different artists during its 6 year tenure but Ryan has always been the author. The strip mostly follows Rayne, a Don Juan character who spends a majority of the early strips trying to get women into bed. He is surprisingly successful, marking each anniversary (50, 100, 1000). Rayne lives with John, his ever patient teacher roommate who has almost zero success with women. He is surrounded by Mick, who is often the butt of Rayne's jokes, Issa, a female friend that Rayne continues to try to bed, and Noel, his long-time buddy who's been in a committed (now married) relationship for much of the strip.

It was interesting to watch the progression of the strip from the beginning. We see each character as they get older. The early strips often took place either in bars or in Rayne's bed. He was primarily the focus of all of the early strips. As the story has progressed we see more and more of his friends and the focus is often on the relationship between all of them. Not of course saying that Rayne has stopped sleeping around it is just not the focus of all of the jokes. Instead recent years have focused on Rayne's friendship with his 5 year old niece who is a bit of a trouble-maker. Rayne has also picked up a job which he is incredibly successful at and even tolerated by his coworkers.

This strip is filled with hilarious moments, geek references, the occasional disturbing strip, and a lot of great characters. Ryan and Lar have a way of making great ensemble comics with characters that you slowly get to know and like. It is not a strip for the weak of heart though. Rayne is a bit of a womanizer and some might be offended by his cavelier attitude. I found it hilarious. What started out as a bit of a nonsequitor strip has become a great character series. I've added it to my daily comics and can't wait to see what Rayne gets into next.


Salt said...

I can't read that one at work, so ... it gets caught up a lot slower.

Cat B said...

What..your work blocks this one! I'm shocked. ;-)