Thursday, June 26, 2008

Custom Radio

Now I'm not a huge music buyer. I have always bought more movies than music but with iTunes I have been spending hundreds of dollars in songs. I love that I get to buy just the songs I love, rather then buy a CD to find that I only like the two or three songs I know. My only problem is that I have kind of stagnated on my music. I don't get introduced very often to new artists. So I am more than thrilled to discover Pandora Radio. This amazing website allows me to customize my radio, all for free. And even better it introduces me to new stuff.

When you arrive at the site it starts by asking you who your favorite artist is. It then customizes the songs played based on that selection. I started with a somewhat indy group that does mellow songs with great vocals. It then played hundreds of songs with similar styles. If you don't like a song you can let it know and it will remove that band. That way you are only listening to music you don't know but may like. I'm crazy about the service. And now my iTunes can get a workout as I add tons of new artists.

On that same note I have fallen in love with the band Bishop Allen. On a rather ugly weather trip back from Chicago with my sister, she introduced me. I was tense (I hate driving in snow) and was making her tense. Sorry Em. I'm pretty sure we were going to come to blows there. So to cut the stress she played this band. Oh and she taught me a meditation technique. But music-wise I started with "Like Castanets" and fell madly for these guys. It is a two man group out of the Bronx making independent music. For anyone who likes good lyrics and fun music give them a try.

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