Friday, June 27, 2008

Odd mood

So I woke up this morning, threw open the blinds to find a hummingbird perched beautifully right in front of the window. Okay well Jeff pointed it out. But still I brought it to the house with my hummingbird feeder. I receive a small flighted guest a couple times a day. There is both a male and female ruby throated hummingbird that make appearances regularly. Ruby Throated hummers are the only ones in Iowa so identification is pretty easy.

Looking out the window I saw a small fawn, still with spots, running through the common area. And I realized that I loved my neighborhood. I love backing to the creek. I love most of my neighbors. It is a very quiet beautiful place. I know most of the people on my block and talk regularly with them. One of the neighbors is moving and I'm a little hesitant about who will buy. Pat is a quiet tidy neighbor who is enjoyable to talk to. We'll miss her. I'm just worried about someone loud and obnoxious moving in. We'll see. Such is home-ownership So far her place has been on the market for about three weeks.

So the morning started out beautiful. Any day when I can spot deer and hummingbirds before 7 is a good day. Work was good. I just finished a pot of coffee so the caffeine has me jittery and productive. I just went out to lunch at one of my very favorite restaurants in the whole world, Lucca. All and all a good day.

But something conspires to keep me pensive. I've just been in an odd mood. Lucca has been closed for two weeks due to flooding. I've missed them. The parking lot at work flooded yesterday. Luckily my car was safe. So flooding has been on my brain and I started thinking about Cedar Rapids. And then I wrote this poem.

Cedar Rapids

Dark clouds shroud
a city underwater.
Daily, hourly warnings plague,
a population already tired of warnings.
Tired of rain.
Tired of treading water.
Rebuilding, their only thought
Rebuilding lives,
scattered by river torrents.
Rebuilding hope,
washed away.

See what I mean about an odd mood. Great day, depressing poem. Maybe tomorrow I'll have a crap day and write happy poems. We'll see.

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