Friday, January 2, 2009


Just had to share that my character turned 80 yesterday in World of Warcraft. For my non-WoW readers that means that I am at the very top level for this expansion. I'm actually very excited about this because it means that now I can do more instancing with the guild. I'm ready to try Halls of Lightning again. Plus now I can work on improving my gear and my tailoring and enchanting. I was working on Ice Crown quests yesterday with the full knowledge that I would level right at Ice Crown Citadel. (of course this was shortly before I blew it up. :-) ).

The picture was stolen from a website I found recently. This player's blog includes some amazing screen shots from all over the game. It actually reminds me how beautiful this game can be. When I'm questing or just flying I don't often think about how gorgeous the backgrounds of this game are. She hasn't posted recently but check out Lucindya's blog for some incredible pictures.

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