Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Times They Are A-Changin

I'm incredibly susceptible to song suggestion. I am constantly getting songs stuck in my head, normally because I have heard a part of it. You mention even part of a lyric and hours later I find myself still singing the song. Hum a couple bars and I'll find myself whistling the same tune. My family is also susceptible and some of us make it a game to get songs stuck in each other heads. My sisters fiance loves to whistle a couple bars of "The Hustle" just to piss the rest of us off. My brothers and sisters have been known to call each other, sing a line, and hang up. It's a sick game.

So this morning I have to wonder why I have Bob Dylan's "The Times They Are A-Changin" in my head. I know I didn't hear the song. Jeff hates Bob Dylan and refuses to have his voice in the house. (to note, its the voice that Jeff hates, not the songwriting) But driving in to work I'm singing the song at the top of my lungs. A coworker caught me humming and asked the song. Of course it was the same. It'll be stuck there probably until I go to bed tonight.

Now I'm not superstitious but the first thing I saw when I got to work this morning was a soaring eagle. It rose from behind my office building and I stood (in the negative temperatures) and watched it until it disappeared. We have the occasional eagle downtown but this was the closest one I had seen. And today it seemed like a sign. That, mixed with Bob Dylan, seems to signify to me that some change is coming. And I have to admit I'm really excited.

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