Friday, November 7, 2008


{Warning: for my non WOW playing readers, this post will mean nothing}

For my Wow playing readers they may not be interested but at least they should understand what I'm talking about. I had dinner with a friend Wednesday night that ran almost two hours. I got home finally at 7:30 and the first words out of Jeff's mouth were "we have a spot for Kara, want to go?" Now I'm a brand-new 70, wearing mostly greens. Not your typical Kara player. Jeff informs me that it is incredibly nerfed so I say what the heck. I have to say that I love my guild for that. Not a lot of guilds would take a underpowered, underequipped player into Kara. Mine did.

We started with Attumen and had no real problems with him. I had a moment of stupidity, right after Attumen mounted Midnight, my hand slipped. I spun around, losing track of everyone. I knew I was supposed to be behind the horse right then. I just didn't know where the horse was. I happily didn't wipe the party, or even kill anyone. That was pretty much my whole goal for the night.

We did Murkblood who provided the most challenge for the evening for me. Just trying to stay in front of him was difficult. He moved way too quick for me. I just dotted him up (Affliction ftw) and kept running. It was pretty intense but we managed to down him on the first try, no deaths. Moroes was practically a trash pull for the group. They are mostly epiced out. Then Maiden. I had seen this fight before but I was surprised at how long she stood up. It took quite a while to kill her. I managed to do the entire fight without taking any damage.

My first shot at Opera and we got Romeo and Juliet. I was pretty happy with that. The Wizard of Oz would have probably been too distracting for me. I've never done a 10 man so it was a bit confusing at the start. We killed both and then started to work on the two of them together. Juliet went down, and Romeo still had way too much health. But we turned on the dps and brought him down. Then on to Nightbane. This was awesome. I knew what to expect going in (I've watched many a fight over Jeff's shoulder) but this was seriously wild. The imps were kicking my tail (I'm squishy) but luckily we had good heals. Down in one try. And the end of the night. It was past midnight EST.

I picked up some great gear including new gloves and a beautiful new staff. I thanked everyone and logged off. The next night was our rescheduling knitting night so I didn't think I would get a chance to finish the run. But my sister called at 4 and said she didn't really feel like it, and I wasn't overly excited so we called it off. I signed up for that night's run. And I'm glad I did.

It was an odd group. A warrior, four hunters, a shaman, a paladin, a priest, a rogue, and me. We started with Curator, who went down easy. Then we moved onto Aran. Jeff accidentally left his gorilla on aggressive. We walked into the room and he attacked. Aran threw down flame wreath immediately as we were moving in and we were toast. Only one member survived and that was surprising. Our second attempt proved much more successful. I even remembered to banish one of the elementals.

Chess was odd and not my favorite fight. I died once when my piece couldn't get out of the fires. We won without problem but I just didn't enjoy the experience. I hated the limited movement and the limited attacks. I managed to bring down one piece though. Illhoof was next. My moment to shine. As a warlock I got to focus all my attention on Illhoof. My guild leader had me simply seed of corruption the thing to death. Worked like a charm.

And lastly we took down Prince. That was the most intense fight of the night and one of the most fun. So much going on and at the end he was running towards us, I assume after dispatching our tank. He had almost reached me (standing next to the healer) when he fell right at our feet. Wild. He dropped the Helm of the Fallen Hero and Jeff finally made me roll for it, even though he wanted it badly. I figured I had already picked up a number of beautiful purples. I won it and picked out my first T4 piece. Yay!! It was an amazing night. In two days I helped complete Kara. We only have Netherspite left and he'll be Sunday. I hope I can go.


Keith said...

Awesome possum.

I have yet to go into Kara. I don't raid, because I'm mostly a solo player. Raiding strikes me as too much like a job. I've done some Molten Core, and some Zul'Gurub, but nothing more.

That said, I would LOVE to see Kara some day. But it's not likely to happen. So I get to live vicariously through people like you.

Cat B said...

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed. This was a pretty brief look at Kara. I was lucky that my guild was willing to take me with them. Most of them have been working on Kara since February and are pretty strong. If you're not in a guild it is difficult to get a pug for Kara. But don't give up hope.

When the new expansion comes out Kara will be in less demand. Plus it has been made much easier. You might be able to get a group to go with. It's not really a job. Just make sure you get a group you're happy with. And more than anything play the way you enjoy. If you don't really want to raid, there is nothing that says you have to.