Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Not keeping up (with the Joneses or anyone else)

I logged onto my Facebook account for the first time in three weeks. I looked at all the new notifications that I have. I read one new email. And I glanced at the number of requests that I had. Then I logged out. I didn't even accept my requests. I think I'm officially burnt out on Facebook.

A friend of mine got me started with the site and I played around with it a bit. I created a profile, found some friends, and added a couple applications. Then I lost interest. I tried to maintain at least some connection with the site for a while. I'd log in, send out silly requests, and post to people's walls. But my heart really wasn't in it. I wanted to say more. I prefer conversation to superpokes. Throwing a frog at me tells me nothing about how your life is going. The site is okay for email but I actually prefer regular email systems.

The one good thing that has come out of my early interest in Facebook is this blog. As I realized I wanted to say more I decided that I would start this. Now I spend significantly more thought on this then I do log time on Facebook. I figure I spend all day at work on the computer, I spend some of my evenings on the computer playing World of Warcraft, and I try to fit in more and more time at the computer for writing. I'm done with sites that are just time wasters. I don't really feel like I have a lot of time to waste. So for those of you who read my blog, that are waiting for me to come back strong to Facebook, sorry. I'll try to log in occassionally but if you really want to contact me, text, phone, or email works best.


Anonymous said...

/agree. I think Facebook requires that you have the sort of brain that goes flit, flit, FLIT, FLIT in a way that even my grownup but ADHD brain can't do.

Put it this way: you like to read, right? You like to read BOOKS. Books are long and require a little committment. Facebook...not so much.

When I use email to a friend, I actually write, and proof and that sort of thing. I don't see any evidence of that on Facebook, just horrible graphics and stupid music, and bad writing.

I guess I'm old... but happy. :)

Alii Silverwing said...

Hehe. I'm indifferent to the whole Facebook thing, but I just set it up to send me emails when stuff I care about actually happens.

That means I basically just accept new friends and read messages people leave on my wall. I don't actually use it like some people use forums.

It does come in handy when planning events, however, which is what the people I know use it for primarily.

Cat B said...

Anonymous-I haven't found that much music on Facebook yet and most of my friends are good about writing well. But I just don't get the superpokes and activities. You're right. All that flit, flit, flit is too much for me and as you can see my brain does tend to jump around. I'm far happier curling up on the couch with a good long book. I'm good with that kind of commitment.

Alii-I'm the same way. Accept friends, check email. I would admit that it is very helpful for planning but not all my friends are on so I end up using regular email systems just as much to reach them.