Monday, December 1, 2008

Home again

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Mine was wonderful although it was strange to be away from the computer for so long. I did a lot of knitting, a lot of visiting, and yesterday a lot of swearing. It is six hours between Des Moines and St. Louis. For four of those hours there were not a lot of problems. We drove the Avenue of the Saints up through Hannibal and Mount Pleasant until Iowa City. It normally takes a little less than two hours to go from Iowa City to Des Moines. Yesterday it took us three and a half.

The weather on Sunday decided not to cooperate for travel. It snowed all day but it only started freezing once we hit Iowa City. Cars were sliding off the road in every direction. The road was pure ice. In our little Corolla, we were being blown all over the place with the wind. Most of the rest of the trip we ranged from 10 mph to 30. Jeff was amazing, using the rumble strips on the shoulder for traction. My anxiety kicked in and I was very shaky. It was a scary drive home.

The weekend was wonderful but I was very happy to be home.

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