Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Is it cold in here or is it just me?

Winter is fully upon us. With snow and wind and cold. Saturday was one of those days that was pretty chilly and I decided to spend bundled up in the house. Jeff and I woke up late (stupid Ny-Quil) and went out for lunch. I was still feeling bad so we just ran out to our neighborhood bar and grill. Then to the store.

And then we headed home with the idea that we would do some light cleaning and waste the rest of the cold day playing WoW. I started with some laundry and when I came downstairs I was freezing. I thought it was because I had taken my sweatshirt off but even putting that on didn't help. I glanced at the thermostat. 67 degrees. Now we keep the house at 73. I know most people would be roasting but we love it. In fact ours read that it was set for 73 but the temp was actually 67. Something was clearly not right.

Yep, the furnace had conked out. Well not conked out completely. It was trying to turn on, just no fire. Needless to say we were not happy. Now I sit at home in slippers and sweatshirts even when it is 73. We called the repair place and they told us that they would contact one of their repair people. That was at 2:30. I bundled up a little better and went back to cleaning. Finally around four I started playing. Still no word from the repair guy. At six were were starting to get worried. The temp was at 65 and the furnace was still trying to kick on. We turned it off completely.

At 6:30 Jeff called again. Neither one of us could believe that they would get a repair person out to us that night. Not at 6:30 on a Saturday. But at 7:30 he finally arrived. This poor man had been running since 8 that morning. He had two more stops that night. The problem was our control box. I guess the kind we have normally die after five years. Ours had lasted us 13. We gave him some extra money for coming that day and reveled in the warmth of the house. Somehow when you're warm, a $500 repair bill doesn't seem that bad. But all night I thought about that guy, out still running service calls. And I'd like to think I was a little less whiny after that.

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