Wednesday, December 17, 2008


My older sister has this amazing belief in serendipity that I happen to envy. She seems to believe that things happen for a reason and that they happen at just the right time for her. For example, when she is looking for a job, suddenly that is the time that she strikes up just the right conversation with someone and they mention that they are looking for someone. And of course it is exactly what she's always wanted to try. I am a little envious of that belief but perhaps a little more envious of the fact that it normally seems to work for her.

In the last year or so I've come to the belief that Murphy's Law seems to be the law of the land. I'm not saying that I'm cursed but I notice certain negative patterns. It is normally the moment when I think that the neighbors will be quiet and I can sleep, that one of them comes how loud with a stereo blaring. Or the instant that I think to myself that my job is pretty good, then the world's most frustrating projects get dropped on my desk. It seems to always be when I'm optimistic that the world brings me back down to earth.

What got me thinking about this was a post that I did before about driving in snow. I had said that I was feeling very confident about this winter. That I knew I could handle the snow. That was apparently the moment that Mother Nature laughed and decided to see what she could throw at us. For the record I have been driving every day. I have not hidden away but this year has really been a doozy for me so far. The awful trek home from Iowa City was followed by snow every other day it seems like. Yesterday we had 4 inches. On Sunday we had well below freezing temps and a dusting of snow. Tomorrow is the kicker. We'll see how I do. They are predicting freezing rain. (my nemisis)

I'm sure I can handle it but that doesn't mean I have to like it. I wonder if part of this is not a self-fulfilling prophecy. Since I'm worried about the weather I just happen to notice it. Since I'm thinking about how frustrating my job has been, it becomes that way again. The lack of positive thinking colors anything that happens. Perhaps that is my sister's secret. She simply doesn't worry about what's coming and so is pleasantly suprised when it turns out well.

I'm actually surprised by this post. I have normally been a rather optimistic person. I'm not sure where this feeling of being cursed comes from. That's something for me to work on while I drive home on ice tomorrow.

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