Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Okay I've been officially chastised. And when it comes down from the guild leader, know you have to say at least something. For those of you World of Warcraft players keeping track at home, our guild officially finished Naxxramas on Monday. It took us from April to the end of May to finish with a mostly two night a week schedule. The Plague Quarter and the Arachnid Quarter is almost at farming level for us by now. And we were having good success with Military. Other than Gluth we could handle Construct Quarter. And that just left the big boys.

We finished with Thaddius late Sunday night. Midnight server time, 11 my time. We clicked on the portal to head back to the start only to come face to face with a huge bone dragon. This is Sapphiron, the second to last boss. Image pulled from WOW Insider.

Although it was bedtime for nearly half the group we decided to give him one shot. What could it hurt? We spread out all on the left side and started hitting him hard. He's a toughish fight with two phases. The first is a ground phase where he hits us with a blizzard and hit the tank with some serious frost breath. Then he heads up into the air for the second phase and turns two people into blocks of ice. Everyone then rushes to get behind the blocks before he blasts us with a frost wave. We got him to about 50% I think, before he demolished us. Time for bed but with a promise to head back on a rare Monday night.

The next night we figured we had all night to try him. So we started slow, and wiped. And wiped again. On the third attempt it was suggested that we spread out on both sides to move the blizzard around a bit more. And with only a death or two, we managed to bring him down. Yay! And the night was still young. So we headed on to the final boss, Kel'Thuzad.

I figured the final boss of a huge ten man raid would be tough...and boy I was right. KT has two (maybe three) phases. The first one is interesting. The group stands in the middle of the floor, back to back in a big green circle as he sends mob after mob after you. My job was banshees, the casters who moved slow but were deadly if they reached the circle. This phase wasn't much of a stress for us. Then KT joins the fight. And he is tough. He turns people into iceblocks as well but these blocks are deadly if they aren't healed through. We lost a ton of people to these until we noticed the warnings and could keep an eye out. But we had to spread out because if you are standing too close to anyone else, you both get blocked.

He also mana bombs someone during the fight. That will explode and hurt others if you are again standing too close. Oh yes and he likes to randomly drain health. This is a healers nightmare. We wiped a couple of times but again the night was young so spirits were high. On the last attempt we got him down to over halfway and he called on two scarabs (3rd phase?) to join the fight. That was the moment when our main-tank paladin went down. It was also the same moment that our off-tank (feral druid) stepped up and took on both KT and two scarabs. It was amazing. I died shortly after the scarabs joined and watching and waiting was excruciating. It was literally edge of your seat, crossed fingers, praying moment. And the guild was able to pull it off. One tank on a two tank fight, four dead group mates, and one dead Kel'thuzad. And we were done. It was a huge moment. And yes I have been a bit remiss for not posting anything yet. So Nez, are you happy now?


Nereeza said...

Most assuredly! :)

It's excellent to read another's perspective, even as we try to keep the raid moving along and not get too bogged down on loot, explanations or trash..

.. Gluth is our Aran.. and will undoubtedly plague us for a while yet 'til we fall back on tried and true patterns of group organization..

At least until we try Eye of Eternity or Ulduar.. soon..

Always a pleasure to read wow tales of high adventure!! :)

Keith said...
