Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Does that stairway look familiar?

I had not been back in Gadgetzan last night for a minute when someone whispers me about going to Zul'Farrak. I figured what's the hurt. It was the most bizarre four man pick-up group I have ever seen. There was me (level 49 warlock), a 66 druid, a 43 hunter, and get this a level 39 warrior. Our tank was so low that there was no way he was keeping aggro. And the lack of a mount was really frustrating. As always pugs can be frustrating and rewarding. I would work with the druid again any day. And again I scored a nice new blue item. A headpiece this time. Jeff is a bit jealous because I now am decked out in six blues.

So we had a decent time on the first part although the hunter kept attacking the scarabs early because he said he needed them. No amount of convincing would tell him that there were plenty more coming and that he would get his chance. So we let him attack random ones and then stood by and watched.

We even rocked on Captain Bly area. No wipes, only two deaths the entire night. Woot. I guess it worked. But sadly we finished with Bly and then no one had the hammer to summon Gahzrilla. Fun. I had put mine in the bank. So I hearthed back to Gadgetzan, picked it up, and came back. Gahzrilla went down in seconds. A good night overall but again another midnight.

1 comment:

Josh said...

Boy, it's a good thing that I know you play WoW, otherwise I'd be REALLY confused! ;-)