Thursday, March 19, 2009

Me Being a Squealy Fangirl

Consider that a warning. This is all fangirl stuff. Feel free to ignore if you like.

I don't like Steven Colbert. It's nothing against him personally but I don't really enjoy the person he plays on his show. I can't sit through his interviews because they annoy me way too much. I have trouble with an interview that hardly lets the person being interviewed get a word in edge-wise or spends most of the time making fun of the person. They are designed to make people uncomfortable and I don't enjoy embarrassment humor. I love Jon Stewart but when Colbert comes on I change the channel. Not sure why I have that distinction (Stewart's interviews can sometimes be just as annoying). But...

I love Neil Gaiman. I will freely admit that I have a huge fangirl crush on him. I've read all of his work and read his blog regularly. He is one of the only audiobooks on my iPod (Fragile Things). He is just brilliant. So when I saw that he had been interviewed by Steven Colbert I bit the bullet and watched. I'm so glad I did. It was a great interview with lots of fun answers and even some fun from Steven. Neither of them appeared to take the interview seriously and that made it enjoyable. Neil talked about why The Graveyard Book could be a children's story even with the early deaths. He talks about Lord of the Rings and they decide on a children's book for Steven to write with a very interesting title. Not once did I feel uncomfortable mostly because Neil didn't seem to take anything Steven said seriously. He had great answers. So here is me being a fangirl but you got to love a man who says he likes any Lord of the Rings character but Tom Bombadil.

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