Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Only Thing More Boring Than Fishing Is....

My WoW readers are probably now incredibly frustrated. It has been weeks since I wrote anything WoW related. I haven't mentioned the heroic UP or heroic UK runs I've done recently. I haven't mentioned the somewhat regular heroic VH runs. I haven't even mentioned the very interesting regular Old Kingdom run I ran to help Jeff's shaman healer out. I haven't touched on these mostly because my focus this last week has been much more ordinary. I've been fishing.

I decided not to level my cooking or fishing at the same rate as my character leveling. I was just excited to get to the upper levels and be able to instance with the rest of the guild. I worked on my tailoring and enchanting but didn't bother with the lesser professions. And it didn't really hurt me while I was leveling. I didn't need the food. Now I'm looking at instancing and raiding and realizing that a steady supply of buff food wouldn't be bad. So starting with a fishing of 50 and a cooking of 100, I've been traveling (painfully slowly) through the older continents and leveling my skills.

Here's the problem. It is boring. Imagine watching a fishing show for hours. Now imagine that every time you catch a fish you are only one sixth closer to your level. For every six fish I catch I get a level. That number will increase as I get higher. That's a lot of fishing and a whole lot of boring. I'm seriously debating just leveling my cooking to 450 with bought supplies. But then again I've never been patient for grinding. This has been my first chance to prove that I can dedicate the time to making my character better. I've even stopped grinding rep in an attempt to get these skills up.

Now I've never been a big believer in the achievement system. It seemed like an evil plan by Blizzard to keep their 80 players interested in something. Jeff has become a huge achievement fan (achievement whore is what I call him). He worked to get his Loremaster and his World Explorer. I get the occasionally one but I don't normally push for them. But as I work on fishing (cooking is much easier), I realize the beauty of achievements. Now that I'm on the old continents, I might as well uncover my maps. Oh and I should solo some old instances. I could even make money selling old cloth on the auction house. And perhaps, if I make enough money, I could just buy my stupid fishing skill.


Keith said...

I'm currently doing Rep. Just got my dwarf to Exalted with Darnassus last night, and now I'm moving on to Exodar. My final goal (besides the Ambassador title) is to get him a Mechanostrider. He's an engineer, and has the flying machine. He needs a mechanostrider to go with it.

Long term, he's going to build the Meckgineer's Chopper, but that's going to take some time and money. EXPENSIVE.

I love the achievements. They provide interesting alternatives, which is always a good thing. And they're optional, so they don't get in the way of anything else.

Alii Silverwing said...

I know how you feel. Woe. My current main is the very first character I ever got over 225 fishing.

What I do to make it less staring-at-the-screen-drooling was to get a fishing mod (FishingBuddy for me) and then watch movies/read books with the sound turned up. Planted myself in an out-of-the-way area and just zoned out. Worked purty well. :)

Stupid fishing. *shakesfist* But Angelfish sell really well on the AH. :D

Cat B said...


We'll have to agree to disagree on the whole achievement thing. I'm not yet taken with them. That said rep grinding is rewarding and frustrating at the same time. So it's good that you have a goal at the end. Mechanostriders are pretty sweet looking. As for the Chopper. Good luck. Mats alone would be more than I could afford. Seriously expensive.

Cat B said...


Thanks for the suggestion. I'll download FishingBuddy mod tonight. I'm bored to tears so anything would be helpful. I'm currently at 245 and am not sure I have the patience for 450.

And you're right, at least the fish sell somewhat well.

Elma Carneiro said...

Hello friend
I come here to thank your visit on my Area Arts and for being one of my companions.
Sorry because my English is not good and use the translator of languages.
I hope you return often.