Monday, August 11, 2008

I know it when I see it.

{Warning} This post is not the family friendly info you are used to. 

The fair is always touted as two wholesome weeks in the country's heartland. It is as American as apple pie (on a stick). But not all of the fair is family friendly. No, I'm not talking about the carnies with their missing teeth and tattoos. No it is not the rather frank education most children get watching the animals. Nor am I talking about the huge quantities of beer that get imbibed each day. I'm talking about a wooden statute. There is a sweet statute of a young boy and the sheep he is showing at the fair. It is a nice sculpture. Unless you see it at the wrong angle. Here is the regular statute. Cute, wholesome, educational. 

And here is the statute from a little bit of an off angle. 

Does anyone else think this looks a little questionable? What is that boy doing to that poor sheep? This is a family joke now whenever we are all at the fair together. Did anyone not think to walk around this statute from all angles?

And we may just be sick to even think of something vulgar from a sweet wood statute but just looking at it you have to admit that it's a little unsettling. 

I don't normally stoop to the vulgar but something about this just had to be said. State fair officials what were you thinking?

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