Thursday, August 7, 2008

Like an Old Shoe

The phrase "comfortable, like an old shoe" has been in my mind a lot lately. Mostly because Jeff and I celebrate nine years together today. When I've used the phrase to describe my marriage a lot of people take offense. They say that I should use more passionate terms. That the term seems to dismiss the marriage. I couldn't disagree more. Strangely the only two people who don't seem offended by this phrase are Jeff and I.

My ideal afternoon lately is to come home from work tired (because I always come home from work tired) and have Jeff and I decide where to go for dinner. Staying in is rarely an option for us, since we both hate to cook. We find a quiet tasty restaurant and go out to dinner. Talking about the day or whatever we have read or found online. A glass of wine and a good meal and suddenly I'm feeling better. That's when the comfortable part kicks in.

After dinner we...go home. And he turns on the computer and plays for most of the evening while I stretch out on the couch and either read or write. And occasionally he'll laugh about something and I'll ask him what it was. Or I'll read something interesting to him. Most people would find this boring. I find it comfortable. I get to do the things I want to do and he gets to do the things he wants to do, and we share the parts that are important.

I've always been comfortable around Jeff. Doors stay open all the time in my house. In fact that cat has no idea what to do when we have company and have to close the doors. We are ourselves around each other. And can be ourselves. Home with Jeff is "off" time. I don't have to worry about being interesting or fun or smart. I can just do what I want. Jeff has always said that the thing he loves most about me is that I let him be himself. We're comfortable, like an old shoe.

So baby, here's to you. And hopefully nine more years of comfort.

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