Friday, August 22, 2008


For anyone who has ever watched old Japanese monster movies, this post is for you. Jeff took these pictures right out in front of our house. He said that the moth was probably about 5 inches tall. Apparently the neighbors cat tried to eat it (quite the mouthful) but the neighbor was able to save it. Just took a look of those antenna. Fun little creatures, although a little creepy. Where's a miniature Tokyo when you need one? 


sewspun said...

Okay, I have a good question for you. We get moths that leave like a trail of blood or goo or something on our walls. What the heck is it?

Cat B said...

I'll have to do some looking. This one is a Cynthia Silkmoth, I think. It's a huge moth. It might leave a trail of silk behind. I'll have to look into it. Moths are not my specialty...yet.