Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Natural Order?

You have to know that I spoil my cat. Some people have called her a child substitute but I think she is just too cute to not be spoiled. She sleeps in our bed, she has pretty much the run of the house (except kitchen counters), and I try to let her outside for a little time each day. She loves her outdoor time. She'll sit by the door all afternoon waiting to go out. 

The rule is that when there are hummingbirds out I try not to let her out. On the other hand when there are squinties out (thirteen striped ground squirrels) we make sure she goes out. Those little things dig up my grass and under the house causing tons of damage. I'm pretty sure I have one living in my air conditioner. She caught one once but it got away. 

No I have no idea where they got the name squinties. That is just what we call them in Iowa. 

So last night I was replacing a light bulb after dark and I let the cat out to explore the porch. She found something quickly and went running after it. She caught her prey in the next yard. And it immediately started squealing. When she jumped over the fence I could see that it was a baby bunny. She brought it right to the door and wanted in. And for some reason I couldn't let the natural order go forward. I know they say not to interfere in the wild but my cat is not wild. I touched her and she dropped the bunny, which wisely hightailed it out of there. I grabbed the cat and hauled her inside.

And then I felt guilty. She had been bringing me a gift. Cats bring their kittens dead and live animals to show them what food it. She had been trying to show me what food was. And I scared it away. And I have to wonder if I shouldn't have just let her have the bunny. It was so small and fragile though. And for me the thought of injuring an animal intentionally or through inaction is so horrible to me. I just couldn't stomach it. 

Animal researchers say one of the hardest part of their jobs it to stand idle and let things happen. I now know what they mean. And now I know that the cat is only spoiled up to a point. 

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