Monday, August 25, 2008


For my non-Wow playing readers I'm again sorry. This post will mean absolutely nothing to you. For the Wow readers, you still may not care.

Last night was my first attempt at Stratholme. I have been needing to work on my enchanting but haven't had enough materials to do so. I've become too high level and my skill is too low level. So the only solution is to go into a lower level instance and get stuff to disenchant. Jeff has been begging me to do this one for a while. At first he tried to solo it for me. Not going to happen, even for him and his killer cat, Misty.

So last night we decided to try. We got home from our bridge party around nine. (Yes I play bridge, no it's not hard, and no I'm not that old. I like to get that out of the way early) So we didn't even start the instance until 9:30. And we were having trouble. Now most of these trash pulls are 6 or 7 mobs. Most of them aren't elite but they are only a couple levels below me. We made slow progress with a couple deaths. (none of which were my fault I'm happy to say.) Jeff did really well but I'm a slow killer. I need a lot of time to bring down a target. Time, I didn't have. For all you players, imagine a slow kill with those rats. I hate those rats.

As we got to the opening of the Scarlet Bastion our friend Lon came on. Lon and his Paladin to save the day. With the three of us, we plowed through. Now we had to finish. He would easily take on 5 or six. Before it had just been Jeff and Misty trying to take on that many and keeping aggro for him was tougher. We cleared room after room. And then we hit the mini-bosses. And the loot started dropping. I filled my bags with greens and blues until I couldn't hold anymore. I started DEing them as fast as I could but we were moving quick and I was trying to keep up. Some bosses dropped as many as three blues. One of them dropped a purple. It was loot heaven.

That was when I looked up at the clock. Right before the last boss I look up to see that it is 1:00 a.m.. Yes 1:00 on a work night. I cursed at Jeff a little, alternating it with thanks. After the last boss went down I cleared out my bags. DEing everything, no fun auction sales for this poor warlock. Finally about 1:30 I logged off and headed for bed. My first shot at Stratholme was fantastic. So much loot and a lot of fun banter for the three of us. A good night. Now if I can just stay awake until dinner.

photo from

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