Sunday, August 17, 2008


This will be a short post. I have about three or four hours of take-home work that I have been putting off this weekend. So tonight will have to be the night. My brother and his children where in town this weekend so I spent a lot of time playing and relaxing. The younger two and I mountain climbed my parent's hill at their house, the older and I put together an 800+ piece lego set, and we all ate more than I care to admit. We watched olympics and played video games and generally forgot about work. 

Jeff and I got a ton of things done at the house which felt really good. Our towel bar upstairs had ripped out of the wall so we replaced it with two. We put in a new bathroom faucet, replaced both toilet seats, and fixed the upstairs toilet. We also put a new headlight on my car. It felt really good and again I didn't think about work once. 

And now I am a whiny little girl complaining about having left my work for the end of the weekend and how I have hours of things to do. Bear with me. The last four weeks at work have been really tough. I have been staying late most nights and still not catching up. I have two long-term projects that are not getting done and are coming due soon. Add to that the stress of job hunting and then throw in a party I am throwing next weekend that I haven't started and you see why I'm a bit stressed. 

But the worst part of stress for me is what it does to my body. I herniated a disc last May and still have the occasional flair-up. Like when I'm stressed. Right now it feels like my arm is on fire. I wake up stiff and sore each morning with pain radiating down my arm and a hand that's asleep. Not my favorite thing. So I stretch and go to work and pretend that I'm okay. I just have to get through the next couple of weeks. Things will slow down. They have to slow down. Okay whining done. Sorry about that. I'll post something more interesting before the night is over. 

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