Thursday, July 2, 2009

Myke Amend

I don't often pay attention to the ads on websites. I've learned to look past the margins even when they flash and dance. So when I went to Wapsi Square a couple days again, I'm shocked that I noticed a small (non-flashing) ad on the right side. The ad was for art prints but the picture was what caught my eye. It's one of the first times that I can say that I found a new artist from an advertisement.

Myke Amend's work has been described as everything from gothic to fantasy to steampunk. I would simply describe it as freaking incredible. He's a painter, an etcher, a mixed-media artist and all of it is really beautiful work. His images tend to be very detailed particularly his paintings. Perhaps his most famous image (The Rescue) is an incredibly calm and sparse painting that somehow looks detailed. It is all whites, grays, and browns. The airship is incredibly detailed and the submarine is somehow vague as if brought up from the depths and still not sure of what it is above the land. I love the tenticles on the left hand side. This for me was a strangely calming image. I contrast that with Deady, a darkly colored image of a teddy bear that seems to have been murdered. There is a look of surprise on the teddy's face that is vaguely unsettling. I'm impressed that Myke has been able to calm me and disturb me in seconds.

Check out both of those images here. But neither of these are the images that caught my eye in the ad. That was Behold the Machine, and I might have to look into buying a print of it. I have also seen an image of it on a journal so I will definately purchase one of those. Great art and journals are my weakness. I'm not sure why this particular image strikes me as much as it does. I love the mix of the ice and the airships. It speaks to me of old time adventures and exploration. It has something of a Jules Verne feel to the painting. I love the markings on the larger ship and the incredible detail that goes into it. The first time I looked at it I didn't even notice the tiny polar bears that have made their home on the cliff side. I find new details every time I look at it.

I hope Myke won't mind that I posted it here since I found it on a very nice steampunk wallpaper site. And since he offers it as a free e-card. Over the past three years I've realized how much I'm drawn to the steampunk movement. Myke's images (particularly his airships) are a perfect example of how to do steampunk well. Check him out if you get a chance.


Myke Amend said...


You made it *so* worth waking up and logging into the internet. Thank you :)

(Found you through google blogsearch)

Cat B said...

Glad I made your "morning". Thanks for letting me know.

Keep up the good work. I love your art! :-)