Monday, July 13, 2009

Wonderful Weekend and Ulduar

Okay so it's been a couple of days since I wrote anything. I had no internet access again this weekend so no posting. And this will be short. I've been not feeling well since last night. I was out of town helping a friend move. I know what you're thinking, how exciting, but we actually had a really good weekend. The move itself only took a couple of hours and the hanging out lasted all weekend. It was great to see everyone. We spent a lot of time talking, playing games, and eating. It was really a wonderful weekend. And the last of my traveling weekends for a while. I love to get away but I'm looking forward to being home this coming weekend. 

I would be remiss if I didn't mention that our guild made their first attempt on Ulduar on Thursday before I left. Several of the regular members had done section of the raid but we hadn't tried it yet as a guild. It went surprisingly well. We started late but managed to bring down four bosses in the span of a couple hours. The first boss we worked on was the Flame Leviathan, who is a machine fight. I don't normally do well with machine fights since my minion often interferes with the controls. But I dismissed my pet beforehand and had no issues. I got to be a gunner, shooting rockets and bombs and enjoyed the fight immensely. 

We then took down Razorscale and I got to play a major role in the battle, shooting the guns that brought the dragon to the floor. We had no real problems with him. XT-002 the girl robot who thinks we are toys, was much more a challenge. We managed to bring her down but I died twice during the fight and we wiped at least once. We bypassed the Furnace Master and brought down Kologran, the giant with the active right hand after several wipes. It was an interesting set of bosses but we had a good time. I look forward to going back. 


Nereeza said...

As always, i love to see the guild through the eyes of one of its members.. :)

.. and definitely always a great learning experience trying out a new instance and its encounters with the guild raiders that i've come to know over the years! We certainly did better than i thought we would..

Hopefully we'll get things going and go more often to Ulduar, since we've beaten Naxx a few times already.. who doesn't want ilevel 213-219 loot over Naxx's 200 gear?

And wait 'til you see Freya! And die to her trash as i have on more than one occasion pugging with another guild's run.. -heheh-

Cat B said...

Certainly should be interesting to see what is up ahead. Particularly since most people say we brought down the easier bosses first. I look forward to learning the fights with the guild more than anything.

Keith said...

Very interesting getting a vicarious look at Ulduar, as I'm not a raider and will not see it for a very long time. (Hate pugs, and hate regularly-scheduled raids.)

Just ran Kara for the first time last week! :-)

Cat B said...

There's nothing wrong with not raiding. I'm not a huge fan of pugs myself and avoid them at all costs.

I would be interested to know what you thought of Kara. I was so in awe of the place the first time I went. I was luckily going with a well experienced group or I would have been lost and overwhelmed. Let me know what you thought.