Thursday, April 30, 2009

Foggy Morning

I walked out the door this morning to go to work and found this.
I just had to run back in for the camera. I didn't even know we had a spider living in those bushes and hadn't seen this rather elaborate web. But the fog made it look like a big cotton ball and I had to take a picture.

I'm one of those odd people who actually kind of likes spiders. Well, as long as they don't dangle from a web and surprise me. They have free reign to live on my ceilings or outside in the bushes or siding. The ones in the siding grow huge with amazing webs. I'll try to post some pictures later in the summer when they are well established.

And the fog makes me happy. It feels very springy here with the fog and the rain. Most of the blossoms are out and everything is green. It puts me in a great mood.

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