Monday, April 27, 2009


Part of my job is to read the news. Daily. I have a couple different news sources that I use every morning to try to keep up with the economic situation around the country. It's one of my favorite and least favorite parts of my job. Favorite because I get to learn a ton of new things each morning, least favorite because I don't really find business all that exciting.

But the big news today, as it has been for the last week, is swine flu. Everyone is talking about swine flu and I am starting to see the beginning of a panic. I read at least 20 headlines, from three different news agencies about the disease. Pictures of people all over the world in masks. And I just laugh. We work ourselves up over everything don't we? Does anyone remember Avian Bird Flu? The one that was supposed to wipe huge chunks of the population. Yeah, what happened to that one? Or the threat of biological warfare that never really materialized? People were stocking up on duct tape and bottled water preparing for the ultimate catastrophe.

So let's breakdown this illness. There are 20 confirmed cases in Mexico, with 80 more possibly linked to the disease. There have been 20 cases in the US, 6 in Canada, and 1 in Spain. Out of 6.5 billion people! Suddenly less than 50 cases and it's a global pandemic. For most of the people outside of Mexico, they have had flu-like symptoms for a couple days and recovered without issue. Hmmmm yeah this one sounds terrible. Why are we so afraid of the flu? Every year people rush to get their flu shots with the worry that the flu is coming. I've had the flu. It sucks, but it's not deadly. (Please note that the Influenza of 1918 is exempt from this. That actually was a pandemic) Has anyone thought to question that rural Mexico has less advanced medical treatments? No wonder the people are dying. Anywhere else, and we have a couple days in bed, maybe at worst some hacking coughs and dehydration and then back to work as usual.

I know I'm ranting and I'm sorry for that. It just floors me that we work ourselves up into a tizzy over these diseases. So in honor of Swine Flu, I think we should start the Panic of the Month club. Each month we'll find which issue has everyone panicking. Last month it was Salmonella in the peanut butter. This month Swine Flu. I can't wait to see what next month brings.


Keith said...

Hopefully that won't get thrown in moderation.

Cat B said...

I love xkcd and I have to admit, that comic is what partly prompted my little rant. That and the four billion news articles. Our local news source dedicated five of its top 9 news spots to swine flu. Grrrr