Thursday, April 9, 2009

Idiot Box Art

For the last year or so (ever since reading The True Meaning of Smekday) I've been following Adam Rex's blog. He's great about putting up sketches and some of his conceptual art. He even puts up characters he's drawn that are waiting to be placed in a story. I love his art style and I love his sense of humor. 

The last couple weeks he has been showing his blog readers the stages of a painting he's working on. He started with conceptual drawings and we have gotten to follow it all the way up to finished piece. The painting is part of a show going on at Gallery 1988 and is an homage to 1980s television shows. The show is called Idiot Box. Rex's contribution is an image from the terrible TV show Small Wonders. So when he linked to the show this past week I had to check it out. And there were some great contributions. 

They had everything from The Snorks, Gumby, The "A" Team, Sesame Street, Alf, Saved By the Bell, Ren & Stimpy, and dozens more. I was in heaven. These are all shows I know and sadly all shows I watched. The art includes oils, watercolors, diorama, sculpture, screenprints, woodcuts, and collage. There is just a ton of artwork there, all for sale. I even thought about picking up one of the Fraggle Rock pieces. I'm sure I probably can't afford it though. (when I went back it had already sold for $2,500, well above my price range!) For anyone who's a child of the Eighties (like I am) you need to check it out. Here are a couple of my favorite pieces. 

McGyver by Wade Schin (and yes I had to check out his website after seeing this.) This piece has already sold.

The Fraggle Rock piece I wanted by Ewelina Ferruso. I love the texture on the trash. Already sold.

And the awesome Schoolhouse Rock collage by Patrick Gannon. Again already sold. 

Check out all the other pieces. A very cool gallery exhibit. 

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